If your reason for contacting us is support with the Liminal platform, please email us directly at support@liminalvr.com
Otherwise, get in touch with us below!
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If your reason for contacting us is support with the Liminal platform, please email us directly at support@liminalvr.com
Otherwise, get in touch with us below!
You can apply directly on our website by visiting www.liminalvr.com/partners.
We are currently focusing on calm and energy states. Over time, we will be expanding to include additional states, backed by more research.
Currently we only support Unity and ask that experiences be delivered in the form of project files from Unity 2017 or above. We are exploring ways that we can also accommodate Unreal Engine.
You will need to:
All applications and experiences will undergo a review process based on user experience, quality and psychological effectiveness before being published.
Yes. The partnership program is open to both individuals and teams of collaborators. For the application process, you must nominate and provide contact details for all collaborators that you work with under the Partnership Program. Nominated collaborators will be allocated a username and password for the Psychology Documentation and by logging in will subscribe to the terms and conditions for the Partnership Program.
Not at all. Our goal is to share our knowledge in the field of neuroscience and psychology, giving you the tools you need to create the most effective experiences without any formal training.
We have created a user friendly web resource of our psychology documentation, applying research to the key design factors which make up any state inducing VR experience. All of the need to know information is embedded within implementation sections, think of them as ‘how to’ guides with suggested steps to achieving the desired psychological outcome.
The documentation also includes referenced literature reviews and recommended reading allowing you to dig a little deeper and gain further understanding.
We ask that you aim for a maximum duration of 10mins. Our internal testing has shown that experiences as short as 3 to 5 minutes can be highly effective.
Yes. You will need access to a Daydream or Gear VR for testing purposes – we would recommend that you test your project file before submitting them to Liminal.
Yes. But you must ensure that you have all the necessary approvals to use third party assets for the purposes of the platform.
All experiences will be subject to a review process by Liminal before being published on the platform. Experiences will be curated according to the quality of user experience and effectiveness in inducing calm or energy states.
Experiences will be measured and ranked according to enjoyability and effectiveness as determined by user feedback and psychometric testing on Liminal’s platform.
Once the platform has been built, you will be provided with a developer console that will report on the effectiveness and enjoyability of your experience as determined by user feedback and psychometric testing on Liminal’s platform.
Psychometrics are standardised psychological questionnaires used in psychological research to take a snapshot of a person’s mood at any one time.
No. We want to make the platform accessible to the most number of people without the need for additional hardware.
The developers console will give you access to psychometric results and user feedback data. Features will include: how users have been responding and giving feedback on your experience, user ratings, and number of users.
You will own the IP in any experiences you create for the platform and will grant a full licence to Liminal to use the experience as contemplated by the terms and conditions.
This means that you will be able to re-utilise the assets in future projects.
You will not be free to publish the completed calm or energy experience on the Daydream or Oculus Store, Steam VR or any other mainstream VR distribution platform.
Liminal will retain the IP of any psychology documentation, the platform, or any other materials provided to you, and any data generated by the platform.
Initially we will be making all the content on the platform available for free so there won’t be any financial compensation.
Our long term goal is to implement a freemium subscription model with revenue sharing for developers, although due to uncertainties regarding the subscription price and server costs for our platform, we are still in the process of working out the precise mechanics of how this is going to work. As a rough guide, financial compensation will be made available to the developers who create the most effective and enjoyable experiences (as determined by psychometric testing and user feedback). Our present thinking is that approximately 10% of the monthly subscription fee will be set aside for the dev community.
Developers whose experiences are published on the platform will be granted lifetime access to the platform.
You will not be free to publish the completed calm or energy experience on the Daydream or Oculus Store, Steam VR or any other mainstream VR distribution platform. You may pursue alternative pathways to commercialisation outside these distribution platforms (i.e. direct sales to your existing clients).
About this FAQ
This FAQ is a general summary of the Terms and Conditions for the Partnership Program. The information here is for information purposes only and is not intended to have legal effect, or to replace or be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions.